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Enable’s Latest Release: Enhanced Tools for Rebate ManagementAPI guides

Enable’s Latest Release: Enhanced Tools for Rebate Management

We’re excited to bring you another round of updates aimed at turning your rebate program into a powerful (and profitable) growth engine. Your feedback is invaluable and directly shapes our product development. Don’t forget, you can always share your thoughts in the Rebate Strategist Community to influence what we build next.

PS: We recently launched a new ROI report in collaboration with independent analyst firm, Canalys. Read how Enable has unlocked millions in operational savings for customers across Distribution, Manufacturing, Retail, and other industry titans.  

Trading Programs

Eliminate Revenue Leakage with Unit Capped Rebates

Stop overpayments in their tracks. Within your Trading Programs, you can now set caps on rebate earnings, protecting against inflation or exploited deals. This feature gives you complete control and flexibility over rebate payouts, helping maximize your revenue and protect margins.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated
Illustration of Unit Capped Rebates

Faster Resolution to Transaction Import Errors

Need to quickly resolve errors within your transaction imports? Our enhanced Transaction Import tab lets you manage the entire end-to-end import process. Streamline troubleshooting by accessing import errors directly within Enable instead of your SFTP folder.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated
Illustration of Transaction Import – File Errors

Special Pricing Agreements

Single Collaboration Platform: SPA Requests

Reviewing and responding to numerous SPA requests from distributors is time-consuming, especially through scattered email threads. Our new SPA Collaboration platform allows your partners to request new SPA agreements directly from a shared portal. You can review, accept, or decline each request within the platform, making the process more efficient.

Seamlessly Manage Branch Transfers

Tracking product transfers across branches is cumbersome and leads to  invalid support calculations. Now, transfer information is automatically updated between branches or locations via SFTP, ensuring your cost ledger is accurate and support calculations are correct.

Better Agreement Management with Branch-Level Pricing

Managing different prices for trading partners across various branches is challenging. With our new enhancement, support calculations will now refer to the specific prices for each branch, ensuring accurate calculations.

Optimizing Agreement Quantity Limits

Handling sales transactions that exceed quantity limits in SPA agreements is tricky, especially when there’s overlap with other agreements. Now, sales transactions are automatically split and matched to multiple SPAs when limits are reached, ensuring seamless processing, and maximizing support potential.


Easily Download Claims Files

Before submitting claims to your ERP, you can now review an output preview with a single click to ensure accuracy and proper format. Additionally, you can filter and export claims directly from the platform for reporting, invoicing, and other needs.

Illustration of Claims export

Your Voice, Your Product

What do you think? Do you have questions or feedback on the latest releases? Drop us an email or schedule a chat with our team of experts. For specific product feedback or queries, feel free to raise a ticket anytime. Your voice is critical in shaping our product.

Help us make Enable more comprehensive, collaborative, and controlled to support your rebate journey. Stay tuned for our next LIVE release on July 6, 2024!

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