We're Transforming Rebates from Costs to Opportunities

An ERP Integration You
Can Rely On
Enable was designed to sync with any ERP system or EDI provider. Allowing you to automatically feed ERP data into Enable, extract real time granular data, and surface it to the right team members.
Get up and running quickly with the support of our Customer Success Managers or use our bespoke integration services. With over 18 years of integration experience working with a broad spectrum of systems and standards along the way, you’re in good hands.

Data Integration and Cleansing
Accurate calculations need accurate up-to-date data; but when it comes to rebates, accurate data is half the problem. That’s why we’ve designed a four-step process that automates the onboarding of primary data and transaction data from your ERP and CRM systems, so you can get up and
running with Enable fast.
Unlock powerful insights and supercharge your Business Intelligence tools
Make sure your business analytics and reporting is complete byincluding rebate performance. Enable easily integrates with your BI and analytics tools, whether that’s Tableau, PowerBI, Infor, SAS, or any other system you may use. So you have all the information you need at your fingertip.

Integrate Enable with your CRM System and Drive Customer Behaviour
Rebates and incentives are key for an effective sales strategy.Integrate Enable with your CRM system to get fine-grained control over those incentives and deep insights into the results your channel partners are delivering.
The Enable Integration Ecosystem
We're connecting to more ERP, CRM and BI tools every day, here's some our customers are already using.

Ready to Turn Your Rebates
into an Engine for Growth?
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