A Single Source of Truth that Removes Ambiguity

Accurate, auditable and trustworthy data on all your supplier trading programs.

Trusted by 1000s of Businesses Throughout the Supply Chain

Get Peace of Mind with a
Rebate Management System

Accurately calculate, accrue, forecast, and report on your supplier rebates across your entire organization.

Four green checkmarks over document

Access Your Agreements Faster

With a centralized repository, you can keep track of all your agreements and who is accessing them.
Arrow in the bullseye

Get End-to-End Visibility

Collaborate on deals and reduce disputes with agreements, terms and data available in real time.
Laptop with scatter chart on-screen and bar chart in background

Accurate Rebate Calculations

Rebate income is automatically calculated, accrued and forecasted, minimizing the risk of inaccuracies.

Enable in Action: 
Trading Programs Search

View and sign off trading programs in Enable’s Collaborator portal, with the ability to share messages, comments and documents with trading partners during the approval process.

Enable in Action: 
Importing Transactions

Import transactions into Enable directly from your ERP or CRM system, to avoid the risk of manual error.

What you Get With Enable

Large green checkmark over document

Approval Workflow

With audit trail of user actions taken during the rebate agreement process.

Robust Audit Trail

Understand who took which
rebate-related actions and when.
Laptop with scatter chart on-screen and bar chart in background

Accurate Rebate Accruals

Get full insight into accrued rebate earnings to avoid nasty surprises.

Granular Calculations

Easily spot any discrepancies in accrued vs. forecasted rebate income.

Enable has allowed AD to streamline our internal processes, provide better reporting to our customers, and reduce the amount of errors during our closing periods."

headshot of client testimonial Christine Morris from Geberit.

Brett Carey

Business Systems Manager

Enable’s intuitive, central trading agreement repository has improved member visibility and maximized their incentives to achieve target volumes. I would strongly recommend them."

headshot of client testimonial Christine Morris from Geberit.

John Schofield

Transition Director

Join experts in our exclusive rebate Community to discuss real-world problems, solutions and insights.

Join our Community

A single source of truth that removes ambiguity

Accurate, auditable and trustworthy data on all your supplier trading programs.
14-day trial, no credit card required

Trusted by industry leaders

Get peace of mind with a rebate management system that accurately calculates, accrues, forecasts and reports on supplier rebate activity across your whole organization.

Accessible agreements without the interpretation

All trading agreements are reviewed, approved and stored in a secure portal you can both access.  Ensuring they comply with your company’s internal procedures and legal and statutory obligations.

A single, signed off, source of truth

Collaborate on deals and reduce time spent on any disputes with accessible, auditable, granular data both you and your suppliers can review in real time.

Accurate calculations you can rely on

Rebate income is automatically calculated, accrued and forecasted in Enable, minimizing the risk of human error and inaccuracies in financial disclosures.

Enable in action: trading program approval

View and sign off trading programs in Enable’s Collaborator portal, with the ability to share messages, comments and documents with trading partners during the approval process.

Enable in action: importing transactions

Import transactions into Enable directly from your ERP or CRM system, to avoid the risk of manual error.

What you get with Enable

Approval workflow

With audit trail of user actions taken during the rebate agreement process

Robust audit trail

Understand who took which rebate-related actions and when

Accurate rebate accruals

Get full insight into accrued rebate earnings to avoid nasty surprises

Granular rebate calculations

Easily spot any discrepancies in accrued vs. forecasted rebate income
Explore the Enable platform

The rebates management system that gives you peace of mind.

Join our Community