Turn Automotive Rebate Programs into an Engine for Growth
rebate data that drives positive behaviors and
builds stronger strategic relationships.

Customer Rebate Management
for Automotive Suppliers
Rebates should be a tool to encourage positive buying behaviors from your
customers, but in practice, they can be very hard to manage. Enable’s collaborative platform lets you turn customer rebates into a strategic growth engine for
you and your supply chain customers.
Why Enable for Automotive Suppliers?
Gain Full Visibility into Your
Rebate Programs
Enable stores all your deals in one place, so you can view your rebate and incentive programs at any level of granularity – by customer, product line, SKU, deal type, branch and more.

Easily Calculate and Pay Rebates
Modeling complex deals in standard ERP systems can be challenging, resulting in fine details getting lost. With Enable, you can model even the most complex deal terms, ensuring you always pay out the right amount.
Accrue and Forecast
Rebates Accurately
Poor insight into rebates owed can lead to inaccurate financial reporting, forecasting and disclosure. With Enable, you can accrue and forecast rebate payments accurately and in real time.
Avoid Friction Over Rebate Claims
When rebate terms aren’t clear to all parties, you can wind up in disputes over how much is owed. With Enable, you work with your customers to review, discuss and approve deals – removing friction.
Go to Market Stronger Together
Enable gives you the data, insights and collaboration tools to craft
win-win deals together with your customers, so you all
go to market stronger.

Transforming Customer Rebate Management
in the Automotive Industry

The Enable
Integration Ecosystem
Easily integrate with any ERP, CRM or BI tools. We’re already working with a wide range of tools, and we’re connecting to more every day. Here are some our customers are already using:
See All IntegrationsJoin experts in our exclusive rebate Community to discuss
real-world problems, solutions
and insights.
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