Empower Your Distributors and Retailers

Give your business partners access to real-time data that drives positive behavior and builds stronger strategic relationships.

Trusted by industry leaders

Customer rebate management for construction materials suppliers

Rebates encourage positive buying behaviors from your customers, but they can be very hard to use to their full potential – especially if you’re using spreadsheets.

Enable’s collaborative platform lets you turn customer rebates into a strategic growth engine for you and your buyers. With full visibility of all your customer rebate agreements, plus automated accruals and real-time reporting, you can work strategically with your industry buyers to build their business and yours.

Rebate allocation transparency

Incentivize the right behaviors at branch level and establish trust by giving transparency around rebate allocation.
Large green checkmark over document

Trading agreement management

Utilize our partner portal to remove admin and ambiguity in agreements with robust sign-off and to view and upload transactional data.
Four green checkmarks over document

Through margin reports

Get an accurate and up-to-date view of through margin for you and your partners.

Why Enable for construction materials manufacturers?

Gain full visibility into your rebate programs

Enable stores all your deals in one place, so you can view your rebate and incentive programs at any level of granularity – by customer, product line, SKU, deal type, branch and more.

Go to market stronger together

Enable gives you the data, insights and collaboration tools to craft win-win deals together with your customers, so you all go to market stronger.

Easily calculate and pay rebates

Modeling complex deals in standard ERP systems can be challenging, resulting in fine details getting lost. With Enable, you can model even the most complex deal terms, ensuring you always pay out the right amount.

Avoid friction over rebate claims

When rebate terms aren’t clear to all parties, you can wind up in disputes over how much is owed. With Enable, you work with your customers to review, discuss and approve deals – removing friction.

Accrue and forecast rebates accurately

Poor insight into rebates owed can lead to inaccurate financial reporting, forecasting and disclosure. With Enable, you can accrue and forecast rebate payments accurately and in real time.

Transforming customer rebate management in the construction industry

From tracking complex deals in spreadsheets

  • Process was seen to be lacking in verification and in tracking.
  • They realized that it wasn’t sufficient just to manage the receipt of rebates, but also to manage their purchasing in order to improve their planning.
  • Unsuccessfully tried to manage the subtle, and complex nuances involved in their rebate management including the number of deals, the many different vendors they deal with, and the many rebate variations.

...to using data to make proactive purchasing in the future

  • Can determine the rebate dollars they anticipate earning much more precisely than in the past.
  • Have already been able to maximize the rebate dollars they are entitled to and have  found missing rebate that vendors don’t even know is due. 
  • Investing in a tool to make them more profitable to shareholders, which is all their employees, would be dollars well spent. 

From manually processing rebates in Excel and an ERP...

  • Lost too much time manually inputting data and extracting the numbers out
  • With so many deals and customers, problems arose with how invoices were posted
  • The high volume of data was difficult to manage with one person analyzing it

...to using rebates to grow the business

  • The ability to see what deals they can put in place with customers to mutually grow together
  • Forecasting capabilities means they can track how close their merchants are to reaching the next band
  • Having the deals all in one place means improving response times with customers

From lack of rebate visibility for branch owners…

  • Lack of complete, up-to-date reporting on products accessible to branch managers
  • Time wasted in collating data from systems that did not integrate with each other
  • Thorough margin only visible a month after the fact, when it was too late to take action

…to empowering branches with accurate information

  • Branches have full visibility of through margin and confidence that their business is profitable
  • Data transparency drives trust among trading partners, building stronger relationships
  • Timely and thorough reporting supports strategic decision-making on a day-to-day basis

From deals full of inconsistencies…

  • Trading agreements with manual free text inputs led to disputes over interpretation
  • Manual trading agreement upload processes resulted in forgotten or lost trading agreements
  • Limited ability to restrict access to deals created a risk of sensitive information being leaked

…to flexible, streamlined trading agreements

  • Flexibility to tailor trading agreement design and reporting to Grafton’s specific needs
  • Commercial teams can track status of trading agreement proposals in the Enable platform
  • Centralized portal for partners to see trading agreements has reduced queries and admin
Group of integrations. Salesforce, Zoho, Epicor, Sage, SAP, Pipedrive, HubSpot.

The Enable integration ecosystem

Easily integrate with any ERP, CRM or BI tools. We’re already working with a wide range of tools, and we’re connecting to more every day. Here are some our customers are already using:

See All Integrations

Join experts in our exclusive rebate community to discuss real-world problems, solutions and insights.

Join our Community

Empower Your Distributors and

Give your business partners access to real-time data that drives positive behavior and builds stronger strategic relationships.

Trusted by 1000s of Businesses Throughout the Supply Chain

Customer Rebate
Management for Construction
Materials Suppliers

Rebates encourage positive buying behaviors from your customers, but they can be very hard to use to their full potential – especially if you’re using spreadsheets.

Enable’s collaborative platform lets you turn customer rebates into a strategic growth engine for you and your buyers. With full visibility of all your customer rebate agreements, plus automated accruals and real-time reporting, you can work strategically with your industry buyers to build their business and yours.

Get full visibility of rebate. Improve cash flow.

Rebate Allocation Transparency

Incentivize the right behaviors at branch
level and establish trust by giving transparency
around rebate allocation.
Large green checkmark over document

Trading Agreement Management

Utilize our partner portal to remove admin and ambiguity in agreements with robust sign-off and to view and upload transactional data.
Checklist with green checkmarks

Through margin reports

Get an accurate and up-to-date
view of through margin for you and
your partners.

Why Enable for Construction Materials Manufacturers?

Gain Full Visibility into Your
Rebate Programs

Enable stores all your deals in one place, so you can view your rebate and incentive programs at any level of granularity – by customer, product line, SKU, deal type, branch and more.

Go to Market Stronger Together

Enable gives you the data, insights and collaboration tools to craft win-win deals together with your customers, so you all go to market stronger.

Easily Calculate and Pay Rebates

Modeling complex deals in standard ERP systems can be challenging, resulting in fine details getting lost. With Enable, you can model even the most complex deal terms, ensuring you always pay out the right amount.

Avoid Friction Over Rebate Claims

When rebate terms aren’t clear to all parties, you can wind up in disputes over how much is owed. With Enable, you work with your customers to review, discuss and approve deals – removing friction.

Accrue and Forecast
Rebates Accurately

Poor insight into rebates owed can lead to inaccurate financial reporting, forecasting and disclosure. With Enable, you can accrue and forecast rebate payments accurately and in real time.

Transforming Customer Rebate Management
in the Construction Industry

From tracking complex deals in spreadsheets to using data to make proactive purchasing in the future

Process was seen to be lacking in verification and in tracking.
Realized managing rebates wasn't enough; improved purchasing for better planning.
Struggled with complex rebate management: deal volume, vendors, and variations.
Can now forecast rebate earnings more accurately than before.
Have maximized entitled rebate dollars and found unclaimed vendor rebates.
Investing in a tool to boost profitability for shareholders and employees is wise.

From manually processing rebates in Excel and an ERP to using rebates to grow the business

Lost too much time manually inputting data and extracting the numbers out
With so many deals and customers, problems arose with how invoices were posted
The high volume of data was difficult to manage with one person analyzing it
The ability to see what deals they can put in place with customers to mutually grow together
Forecasting capabilities means they can track how close their merchants are to reaching the next band
Having the deals all in one place means improving response times with customers

From lack of rebate visibility for branch owners to empowering branches with accurate information

Lack of complete, up-to-date reporting on products accessible to branch managers
Time wasted in collating data from systems that did not integrate with each other
Thorough margin only visible a month after the fact, when it was too late to take action
Branches have full visibility of through margin and confidence that their business is profitable
Data transparency drives trust among trading partners, building stronger relationships
Timely and thorough reporting supports strategic decision-making on a day-to-day basis

From deals full of inconsistencies to flexible, streamlined
trading agreements

Trading agreements with manual free text inputs led to disputes over interpretation
Manual trading agreement upload processes resulted in forgotten or lost trading agreements
Limited ability to restrict access to deals created a risk of sensitive information being leaked
Flexibility to tailor trading agreement design and reporting to Grafton’s specific needs
Commercial teams can track status of trading agreement proposals in the Enable platform
Centralized portal for partners to see trading agreements has reduced queries and admin
Group of integrations. Salesforce, Zoho, Epicor, Sage, SAP, Pipedrive, HubSpot.

The Enable
Integration Ecosystem

Easily integrate with any ERP, CRM or BI tools. We’re already working with a wide range of tools, and we’re connecting to more every day. Here are some our customers are already using:

See All Integrations

Join experts in our exclusive rebate Community to discuss real-world problems, solutions and insights.

Join our Community