Accelerate Your
Rebate Earnings

Accurately track, manage and claim supplier rebates and market development funds across every trade agreement, product line and SKU in one centralized, easy-to-use platform.

Trusted by 1000s of Businesses Throughout the Supply Chain

The Power of Supplier Rebate Management
Software for Manufacturers

Manufacturers need to make the best possible use of supplier rebates, especially at times of high pricing volatility. Yet rebate agreements are often lost, forgotten or scattered across the business, leaving valuable rebates to go unclaimed. Enable allows manufacturers to manage rebates centrally and maximize their value.

Get Full Visibility of Rebate. Improve Cash Flow.

Laptop with scatter chart on-screen and bar chart in background

Automated Accruals

Accurately track rebates earned, including any supplier-guaranteed margins, with a thorough audit trail to quickly resolve any disputes.
Green bill symbol

Cash Collection Support

Ensure all your rebates are claimed and cash is received promptly. Look back retroactively and claim any missed earnings.
Checklist with green checkmarks

Comprehensive Reporting

Get full, real-time visibility of deals, thresholds, and through margin to help you maximize your
rebate earnings.

Why Enable for Manufacturing?

Claim All Rebates Owed

Most ERP systems lack the granularity to track rebate earnings in detail, so 4% of supplier rebates typically go unclaimed by manufacturers. Enable ensures you claim for all rebates owed, improving profitability.

Make Smart Buying Decisions

When you have complex deals with multiple tiers and conditions, knowing what to buy (and when) to earn the most in rebates can be difficult.
Enable gives you full insight into your trade deals to help you
make the right decisions.

Improve Supplier Relationships

Enable’s collaboration features let you work strategically with your suppliers to grow your business together, while still offering competitive pricing for your customers – creating a win-win approach for everyone.

Boost Bottom-line Profitability

Enable’s collaboration features let you work strategically with your suppliers to grow your business together, while still offering competitive pricing for your customers – creating a win-win approach for everyone.

Improve Internal Collaboration

Enable’s collaboration features let you work strategically with your suppliers to grow your business together, while still offering competitive pricing for your customers – creating a win-win approach for everyone returned
to the business.

Transforming Supplier Rebate Management
in the Manufacturing Industry

Frees up time for SureWerx to focus on strategic rebate endeavors

SureWerx employs rebates strategically to drive growth and market penetration.
Excel spreadsheets posed challenges in terms of data consistency and reliability.
Rebate setup and calculations have been streamlined, to aid decision-making
Enable enhances information accessibility for finance, pricing, and sales teams.
With Enable handling complexity, they can devote time to strategic planning.
Using Enable has led to significant time savings and operational efficiencies.

From lots and lots of spreadsheets to incentivize and strategize
their business

Heavily dependent on one individual in the business to manage rebates
Lack of communication with customers meant inability to generate meaningful relationships
Missed opportunities arose when schemes were forgotten until year-end, limiting potential growth.
Flexible rebate management system to respond to changes in the business over a period of time
Finance team can track where rebates are heading and manage accruals
Sales team have up-to-date information to communicate effectively with customers
Group of integrations. Salesforce, Zoho, Epicor, Sage, SAP, Pipedrive, HubSpot.

The Enable
Integration Ecosystem

Easily integrate with any ERP, CRM or BI tools. We’re already working with a wide range of tools, and we’re connecting to more every day. Here are some our customers are already using:

See All Integrations

Join experts in our exclusive rebate Community to discuss real-world problems, solutions and insights.

Join our Community

Accelerate your rebate earnings

Accurately track, manage and claim supplier rebates and market development funds across every trade agreement, product line and SKU in one centralized, easy-to-use platform.

Trusted by industry leaders

The power of supplier rebate management software for manufacturers

Manufacturers need to make the best possible use of supplier rebates, especially at times of high pricing volatility. Yet rebate agreements are often lost, forgotten or scattered across the business, leaving valuable rebates to go unclaimed. Enable allows manufacturers to manage rebates centrally and maximize their value.

Get full visibility of rebate. Improve cash flow.

Automated accruals

Accurately track rebates earned, including any supplier-guaranteed margins, with a thorough audit trail to quickly resolve any disputes.

Cash collection support

Ensure all your rebates are claimed and cash is received promptly. Look back retroactively and claim any missed earnings.

Comprehensive reporting

Get full, real-time visibility of deals, thresholds, and through margin to help you maximize your rebate earnings.

Why Enable for manufacturing?

Claim all rebates owed

Most ERP systems lack the granularity to track rebate earnings in detail, so 4% of supplier rebates typically go unclaimed by manufacturers. Enable ensures you claim for all rebates owed, improving profitability.

Make smart buying decisions

When you have complex deals with multiple tiers and conditions, knowing what to buy (and when) to earn the most in rebates can be difficult. Enable gives you full insight into your trade deals to help you make the right decisions.

Woman scanning items in warehouse

Improve supplier relationships

Enable’s collaboration features let you work strategically with your suppliers to grow your business together, while still offering competitive pricing for your customers – creating a win-win approach for everyone.

Boost bottom-line profitability

Every extra dollar of rebates earned adds to the bottom line. With Enable, you get full visibility into how and when you can earn more rebates from suppliers, with insights that enable you to maximize rebate returned to the business.

Improve internal collaboration

Align Finance and Purchasing around trade agreements and rebate earnings. Help procurement teams to buy the right volumes of the right products at the right time, and ensure Finance is fully aware of all negotiated deal terms.

Transforming supplier rebate management in the manufacturing industry

From manual processes and poor visibility…

  • A custom-built ERP captured deals by product line, but was tough to keep up to date
  • Around $10m in annual rebates was being managed using spreadsheets, with high risk of error
  • It was hard to predict what rebates would be received and when, hindering cashflow forecasts

…to strategic rebate management for business growth

  • Enable provides insight into rebate performance and opportunities across 1,100 product lines
  • Deeper insight means Auto Wares can push for more beneficial deals with key suppliers
  • One rebate management platform drives collaboration between Finance, Purchasing and C-Suite

From inefficient processes and poor rebate visibility…

  • Managing rebates in spreadsheets was getting tougher as the company grew through M&A
  • No standardized process for rebate management across different locations and divisions
  • Difficult to map rebate agreements to purchase volumes and claim the right amounts

…to a streamlined system and the chance to maximize rebates

  • Enable provides one easy-to-use rebate management platform for 35 users and growing
  • All deals are visible across the company, so purchasing can be consolidated for the best returns
  • Streamlined rebate management supports the company’s future growth plans

From lots and lots of spreadsheets…

  • Heavily dependent on one individual in the business to manage rebates
  • Lack of communication with customers meant inability to generate meaningful relationships
  • Missed opportunities as schemes were forgotten about until the end of the year

….to incentivize and strategize their business

  • Flexible rebate management system to respond to changes in the business over a period of time
  • Finance team can track where rebates are heading and manage accruals
  • Sales team have up-to-date information to communicate effectively with customers
Group of integrations. Salesforce, Zoho, Epicor, Sage, SAP, Pipedrive, HubSpot.

The Enable integration ecosystem

Easily integrate with any ERP, CRM or BI tools. We’re already working with a wide range of tools, and we’re connecting to more every day. Here are some our customers are already using:

See All Integrations

Join experts in our exclusive rebate community to discuss real-world problems, solutions and insights.

Join our Community