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Powerful approval workflow and crystal clear analysis with scheme comparison enhancements



Our February Enable update is now available within your UAT (user acceptance testing) environment. This provides the perfect opportunity to test newly introduced features, solution improvements and performance enhancements.

Enable’s proactive approach to Enable updates ensures that our software is constantly being improved and enhanced. Working within 6-week development cycles means we can deliver regular updates to you in easy to manage bitesized portions. Our methodology ensures that all of our clients are free to concentrate on their core business, whilst we focus on keeping the key software platforms maintained to the highest standard. This newsletter provides an overview of our latest Enable update.

Screenshot of the DealTrack dashboard.

As well as research-led development based on current market demands, many of our updates result from feedback received from our clients. Any feedback, positive or negative, that you have on Enable can be submitted via email to Our dedicated Client Services team will be on hand to answer any queries you may have.


Our latest update was deployed to your user acceptance testing (UAT) environment on 23rd February 2018 and is now available for testing. (This UAT environment is separate to your Live environment and provides a suitable testing platform without any risk to the integrity of your live data.)

The UAT process will last for approximately 5 weeks. During this time you will be able to try out the new features and give us your feedback. During this time you will be able to try out the new features and give us your feedback. The update will be deployed to your live Enable environment on 3rd April 2018.


This update contains a combination of new features, feature enhancements and performance improvements. The majority of these changes will be deployed as standard to your Enable system. There are however, certain new features and enhancements described in this document which are only available by request, as they require additional configuration in order to be applied to your Enable system.

Please contact a member of your Client Services team for more information.

What’s new?


Changes to automatic approval workflow

Enable will now permit a simplified automatic approval workflow process for a client with net spend disabled, and client divisions disabled. The changes made will also result in scheme activation settings being hidden when 'Enable interim replication' is switched OFF.

During automatic approval workflow scheme rejection comments are already captured, with this build the scheme rejected will add context to the notes. Users invited to the scheme approval workflow can reject the scheme, at which point they are required to enter a reason, which is added to the notes for the scheme. This reason will be prefixed with "scheme rejected" to make it obvious the user's reason relates to the scheme being rejected.

When a user starts workflow for a scheme, it is no longer possible to confirm the workflow until at least one selection has been made in the activation settings pane, and save has been clicked. A "None" option can now be selected in this pane to indicate that the scheme will not be replacing any interim schemes upon full approval.

Screenshot of a user starting workflow with a warning message informing them they need to configure activation settings.

If you would like to learn more about incorporating automatic approval workflow into Enable please contact Enable’s Customer Success team.

Automatic scheme replication setting for scheme types

A new setting can now be configured to enable automatic scheme replication per scheme type. If this setting is set to ON then all schemes of that type will be potentially eligible for automatic replication (dependent on any other conditions for automatic replication); if it is OFF then no schemes of that type will be replicated by the automatic replication process.

Clearer indication of offline sign-off during scheme approval workflow

Within the workflow UI pane on the approval hierarchy display for a scheme, there is now a clearer indication when the scheme has been signed off on behalf of a supplier contact via an offline sign-off.

Screenshot of the Approval screen in DealTrack showing a screen signed off by a supplier via offline sign-off

The supplier contact that the scheme has been signed off on behalf of will be identified by a green circle.

Debtors reports enhancements

A new "Report start date" option has been added to the search criteria pane for the debtors report, and selecting a date results in the generated report only considering the debt created since this date. Additionally Enable can now be configured by Enable so that interim schemes are included in the debtors report.

Screenshot of the Debtors report filter pane, with the 'Report start date' filed highlighted.

Inclusion of interface date and external reference on automated turnover import

Columns for interface date and external reference have been added to the CSV specification used by the automated turnover import. These function similarly to how they currently do for the manual import, with the interface date being used to determine if any existing turnover should be replaced. Additionally, measures have been put in place to ensure that the interface date is defaulted to the transaction date where appropriate. These columns will not be added as default and will only be activiated if configured to do so by Enable.

Comparing schemes on analysis page will be clearer

When using the scheme analysis page to select multiple schemes to compare, the selection panel now has a Supplier’ column making it easier to distinguish between the schemes. The page no longer pre-selects the second and third scheme for comparison. The page also make it easier to remove a previous selection.

Screenshot of the Analysis tab for a scheme with the scheme selection pane open.


'Select all' checkbox on deal select items page removed

The 'Select all' checkbox on the 'All' tab on the select items page for a deal is no longer present. This is to avoid any confusion that may have previously occurred when combining the functionaility with a filter.

Deal dimension items checkbox columns will be visible when read only

When selecting dimension items for a deal, wherever there is a 'Select Items' tab with a checkbox column, this column is now visible when the page is read-only. In this situation, it is not possible to change the state of the check boxes, but it will be possible to sort by the checked status on the Exclusions ‘Select Items’ tab.

Deals recalculated on scheme activation

When a proposal scheme is activated manually or automatically after completion of workflow, this will trigger deal calculations for all deals which belong to the scheme. This will prevent certain scenarios where deal earnings may not be up to date.

Enhancements to the targeted amount deal mechanism plugins

Enhancements have been made to the targeted amount deal mechanism plugins such that users can now set an accrual band for a deal using such a plugin, scaled accrual earnings can be enabled for a deal mechanism using these plugins, and the process for calculating scaled accrual earnings and deal line earnings reflects Cash App settings and the accrual rate status for the deal.

Screenshot of DealTrack showing the Deal Mechanism pane for 'Targeted %'.

Enhancements to externally calculated and fixed amount deal mechanisms

The "Apportioned Fixed Amount" and "Apportioned External Earnings" deal mechanisms have been further enhanced to ensure that if a client has the Cash App configured to use accrual earnings, deal line level scaled accrual earnings will be determined by scaling down the deal line’s earning according to the proportion of the deal line’s time frame that has passed. Additionally, when generating turnover line results for accrual earnings, the deal level total for scaled accrual earnings that is apportioned to the included turnover lines, will be the sum of the scaled deal line earnings. Scaled accrual earnings for relevant deals will also be updated whenever a new turnover is imported.


"Reset accruals at deal end" setting

The option to disable the automatic resetting of accrual earnings has been introduced, which currently occurs a specified number of days after the end of the deal. This is configured via a "Reset accruals at deal end" option for each supplier, which can be set to either ON or OFF (defaulting to ON).

If the new "Reset accruals at deal end" setting is set to OFF, accrual earnings will always be calculated using the accrual band, regardless of whether the deal has reached its end date. Deal recalculations will be triggered when the "Reset accruals at deal end" setting is changed.

Screenshot of the supplier settings screen in the admin section of DealTrack.

A CSV file download is now available in the config area to all permitted users, showing information about the new "Reset accruals at deal end" setting for each supplier.

Accrual Rates for non-retrospective deals

The calculation of actual forecast earnings for a non-retrospective deal has been updated to keep the actual forecast calculation in line with the accrual calculation.

Accrual Earnings – Manual turnover forecasts

It is now possible for Enable to require the entry of a manual turnover forecast from a user at the point of selecting an accrual band. Any changes made to the manual turnover forecast are captured in Enable's activity log. This forecast will be stored in the database, logged as part of the activity log for setting an accrual band, and can be edited by users with the appropriate permissions.

Screenshot of a user selecting an accural band in DealTrack.

Accrual earning enhancement for non-retrospective deals

Users are now able to set an accrual rate for any deals which are targeted and non-retrospective, in a similar manner to existing behaviour for targeted retrospective deals. As a result, for such deals the way the system computes various related data has been changed. This includes accrual rates, accrual bands and actual forecast earnings. Updates will also be made to activity logging and deal replication to account for these changes.

Enable will calculate accrual and actual forecast results for a non-retrospective deal at the same time as actual and forecast results.

Screenshot of DealTrack showing the Deal Mechanism pane for 'Targeted % (value)'.

Enable will recalculate the accrual earnings for a non-retrospective deal when an accrual band is specified for the first time or subsequently changed.

Updates have also been made to activity logging and deal replication to account for these changes.


New "Dependent document" terms item type

A new "Dependent document" terms item type has been created. A terms item of this type must contain an uploaded document and a 'dependency'on another terms item, such that when configuring a scheme, if the depended on terms item is anything other than empty, none or null, then the uploaded document will automatically be included with the scheme.

Permission control over user edits to terms items

For terms items of type "Memo", a new setting will be added to the page where these items are configured. This will allow platform administrators to select which users are allowed to edit values for this term item for a given scheme, and will include options to select all users or no users, or to manually select individual users.

'Apply default changes to existing schemes' setting

For terms items of type "Memo", a new setting will be added to the page where these items are configured, called 'Apply default changes to existing schemes'. When this setting is ON, any changes to the default value of the memo will also update any unlocked schemes which use the default value of that field.

What’s coming up?


In line with Enable’s commitment to release a Enable update every six weeks, our next update will be deployed for testing within your UAT environment on 6th April, with deployment to your Live environment to take place on 15th May.


As part of our April update, we will be making further performance optimisations and platform enhancements. Alongside this, we will be introducing a series of new functionality, as well as enhancing existing Enable features.

New features

The following are new features that you can expect to see in our next Enable update:

  • Include post period - A new tick box will be added to the 'Deals' tab of the client settings pane labelled "Include post period" which will indicate whether the post period setting is available on the add / edit deal page for the corresponding client.
  • Standard scenario percentages - New per client settings will allow Enable platform administrators to populate up to six standard scenario percentages for a client. These new settings will be added to the 'Client' tab of the client config pane, under the 'General' These settings will only take effect when 'Enable baseline earnings' is switched ON.

The calculation and storage of the new deal / scenario level earnings results will be built into the new Enable baseline earnings process, and so these results will be re-calculated and updated in the database each time a deal is triggered for baseline earnings re-calculation.

  • 'Add only' selection rule - The 'Add only' selection rule processing will be implemented. All selection rule calculations (whether via the 'add only' approach, or the 'add and remove' approach) will still trigger a recalculation of Deal earnings.


Alongside the new features being introduced we are also continuing to enhance existing features and the Enable product as a whole. Here’s what you can expect in the next cycle:

  • 'Scheme signoff' app - the Supplier Portal’s 'Scheme Signoff' app will be amended so that interim schemes are not visible in this app.
  • Scheme replication - when replicating schemes to proposals no 'detached selections' will be carried over. When replicating to an interim scheme all 'detached selections' will be carried over.
  • Reports for detached items - detached items will contribute to all reports and exports. A new column, labelled "Detached", will be added as the final column in the Included Items Report. TP’s non-rebatable products export will exclude detached items.
  • Unlocking a scheme - all 'detached items' will be deleted when a scheme becomes unlocked. The deleted items will not be retrievable. The current warning for unlocking a scheme will be amended to notify the user that all detached items will be lost (if the scheme contains deals with detached items).
  • Workflow enhancements - for a scheme where the parent scheme type is configured to used manual or no workflow the 'add and remove' approach will be used if the scheme is not an interim scheme and the 'add only' approach will be used otherwise.

The 'Last Updated' and 'By' fields will be populated for all schemes, including those with automatic workflow. This will be implemented for both the "Schemes" and the "Proposals" reports.

  • Turnover report enhancements - 'Unassigned turnover' will be determined as turnover that is not included as 'earning turnover' for any deals in the system. A new tick box labelled "Consider unassigned turnover only" will be added to the criteria page of the Turnover Report.

If you have any questions regarding our current or upcoming Enable updates, please contact your Client Services team at

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