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Enable's product update process

Improvements to the Enable software are made to address both the immediate and longer-term needs of our customers. Our Feedback backlog helps us identify product improvements that have potential to benefit a large number of customers or to meet the most pressing needs.

Changes to the product are prioritized and planned by our Product Management team. They investigate possible changes and write detailed specification documents that guide the development work done by the Engineering team. Work is scoped to six-week-long cycles called build slots, and each calendar year is composed of eight build slots and a four-week interim period from mid-December to mid-January.

The development work chosen by Product Management for each build slot consists of both minor enhancements and major new product areas. Work on larger initiatives usually spans several build slots and may involve partial releases or a beta release. To keep customers up to date about changes to the system, the Customer Success team produces a product update newsletter while working with Product Management on feature release plans.

Updates are first deployed to the User Acceptance Testing channels, and customers on the mailing list receive a notice that the newsletter article is available to review and that the updates are ready for testing. The specific release dates related to upcoming build slots are kept current in a separate article.

After testing in UAT, updates are deployed to the live channels. The main deployment is done on a Saturday to minimize any possible disruption, and customers are reminded via email of both the potential downtime and the impending appearance of new features. The Customer Success team produces new articles and videos for the Help Center about new features and functionality, and they reach out to customers regarding demos and training.

If you have questions about new features or product updates, if you would like to speak with the Product Management team about a beta feature and how it can be made to work for your business, or if you have email addresses to add to the updates mailing list, please reach out to one of your Customer Success representatives or raise a ticket on the Help Center.

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