Annual Rebates

Manage and analyze your trading programs all in one place – for easier and more strategic rebate management

One place to manage all your trading programs

Arrow in the bullseye

Single centralized view

Enable brings all your trading programs into a central repository, where you can view, edit, approve, and analyze them as needed.
Four green checkmarks over document

Approvals workflows

Accelerate trading program sign-off with manual or automated approval workflows that preserve an audit trail of actions.

Trading program analysis

See how individual trading programs are performing with at-a-glance snapshots of actual and forecasted performance.

Get full control over your trading programs

Trading programs are typically managed using paper documentation and complex spreadsheets, making them hard to control and keep track of. Enable gives you a central place to create, discuss, approve, view and analyze all of your trading programs, so you maintain full control and insight.

Whether you’re handling supplier rebate agreements or customer rebate programs, Enable gives you all the functionality you need to set up and manage your trading programs as a strategic asset for your business.

Why Enable Trading Programs?

Get a holistic view of all your programs

Trading agreements are often scattered across the business, in filing cabinets and on desktops, so nobody has full insight into what’s been agreed. Enable gives everyone an up-to-date view of all trading programs in operation.

Manage programs more strategically

With all trading programs in one place, it’s easier to spot duplicate or conflicting agreements, and to track the performance of each program – so you can rationalize your agreements with a focus on gaining maximum value.

Minimize inter-departmental friction

Trading Programs is accessible to anyone with permission to view or edit program details – meaning more productive conversations between Finance and Purchasing, or Sales and Finance, as you all share the same data.

Improve trading partner collaboration

Invite your trading partners to collaborate in Trading Programs via the Collaborator portal, and you can work together to create, review, discuss and approve trading agreements that drive growth for you and your partners.

Free up time for more rewarding work

With easy access to trading program documentation, and automated approvals workflows, you spend much less time chasing down program info or chasing up people to review and sign off on new programs or terms.

Learn more about Trading Programs in Enable

Want to know more about you can manage your trading programs more strategically with Enable? Get in touch for more information or to request a demo:

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