Enable Acquires Flintfox:
Uniting Pricing and Rebates to Drive Profitable Growth

This combined expertise in rebate and pricing management unlocks full visibility and control over profitability and growth, helping businesses thrive in dynamic markets.

We’re Redefining How Deals Drive Profitable Growth

The global supply chain runs on trading relationships, and incentives are the grease that keeps them going. That’s why it’s critical for rebate and pricing strategies to work together. We’re combining Enable’s AI-powered rebate expertise with Flintfox’s intelligent pricing capabilities to reimagine how companies align pricing and rebate incentives, optimize profitability, and foster collaboration.  

Margin Visibility

For the first time, businesses can combine on-invoice and off-invoice incentive strategies to drive smarter decisions that lead to more revenue and increased profitability​.  

Overcome Market Volatility

Adapt to market changes, disruptions, and pressures with confidence by analyzing and adjusting both pricing and rebates together.

Collaborate with Clarity

Enable and Flintfox’s unified approach fosters transparency and alignment between trading partners, building long-term trust and creating mutually beneficial agreements.

Better Alignment with Trading Partners

This acquisition means trading partners can work even more closely together through collaborative agreements, performance tracking, and revenue opportunity identification — ensuring better business outcomes for all.

Unmatched Growth and Expertise

Enable and Flintfox bring decades of combined experience to the table when it comes to rebates and pricing. Their expert knowledge means peace of mind for you — that your rebate and pricing strategies are working together to ensure you meet and achieve all your strategic goals and desired outcomes. By unifying on-invoice and off-invoice strategies with this acquisition, trading partings can grow stronger together and improve their trading relationships.

Redefining Rebate and Pricing Management

See how unified pricing and rebates drive profitability.