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Reviewing programs with executive summary

Enable's Executive Summary makes the process of reviewing and signing off programs simple. It contains information about the expected earnings and conveys at a glance how this year's program compares to last year’s. It will also offer expected earnings by program line, total non-rebatable transactions and other useful information in the approval process.

After reviewing this article, please get in touch with your implementation team if this looks like functionality that would be helpful for you and your business.

Summary page

This page gives you a high level summary of the Trading program including details of program run dates, program lead, expected transactions compared to last years program, expected rebate earnings and effective rate versus last years trading program and current program line performance.

This information will help you gauge the potential performance of program lines and will provide insight into how 'stretch goals' would impact growth by showing you the next rebate band and the potential gain if you reach it.

The terms item changes area will give a side-by-side comparison of terms item changes between the reference period and the new period. The chosen terms that appear in this section will need to be configured by a client admin, please raise a helpdesk ticket if you would like any of these terms appearing in these sections amended.


This information can prove to be pivotal when deciding whether or not a program will prove to be more lucrative than the prior year, and whether it will take some tweaking before you decide to send it through the sign-off process. This detailed breakdown provided in the Executive Summary, combined with the Progress Tracker can help you to be sure that your earnings are maximised.

Overview page

The overview page shows you the current state of the trading program, providing information such as the Trading program lead, the person who created the Trading program, including information on whether this was created by manually or replicated from a different program line and much more.

This also shows the current workflow status, if the program is not Fully signed, this will show you the next signatory.

You can also download the Trading program PDF from this page.



This page allows you to view notes and comments that were added during and before the signing process.

This allows you to add notes such as 'Trading program initially rejected due to incorrect payment terms'. None of these notes are visible to the Trading partner.

You may also upload attachments such as proof of signatory, this is entirely internal and not visible to the Trading partner.


Approval hierarchy

This page allows you to review the approval hierarchy, showing information on when each member of the hierarchy approved the program, who the program is currently stuck on and which member of the Trading partners organization has been invited to sign the agreement.

This is also the page where workflow can be started, by clicking the 'Start workflow' button an email will be sent to the first person in the workflow.


Trading partner sign-off

This page gives a summary of the member of the Trading partner's that has signed the agreement, including name, job role, approval date and any supporting documentation they have included in the upload.

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