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Generate a transactions report

The transactions report allows you to monitor the data reconciled within the Enable platform (to learn about reconciliation, see here). This report allows you to verify by a trading partner that the data coming into Enable is accurate and provides you a direct view of the transactional performance independent of the agreements you have in place. If you have access, you can find the report here under trading programs > reports > transactions.

Enables built-in reporting allows you to configure filters that can adjust granularity to add or exclude data. This article will explain the data available within the report and your available filter options:

See our overview here:

What data is available in the transaction report?

Some fields depend on specific filter settings, denoted as optional; you can review the available filters here. Also, the field names might very. This section will show the preview fields, explain them, and highlight differences in the download file.

The full field list is as follows:

  • Trading partner: this will be changed to your systems-specific label, for example, Supplier, Customer etc. The label change is consistent within the download and preview of the report. Each row will have the name of the trading partner the data is reconciled to.
  • Trading partner reference: this will be changed to your systems-specific label, for example, Supplier reference, Customer reference, etc. Each row will have the reference of the trading partner the data is reconciled to.
  • (Optional) Transaction date: only visible when the frequency filter is set to none or daily. See the frequency filter here to learn more.
  • (Optional) Transaction date from: only visible when the frequency filter is set to a weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual, or full period. This is the start of the period the total transacted units and value apply to (inclusive of the selected date).
  • (Optional) Transaction date to: only visible when the frequency filter is set to weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual or full period. This is the end of the period the total transacted units and value apply to (inclusive of the selected date).
  • (Optional) Dimension data: depending on the view by filter setting, you can increase granularity to levels comparable to your transaction granularity. For each selection made, you will add a corresponding column to the report. You can learn more about the view by filter here.
  • Total transacted units: the sum of the units transacted for the given date or date range. Within the download, this is the units column.
  • Total transacted value: the sum of the value transacted for the given date or date range. Within the download, this is the units column.
  • Currency: this is the currency of the total transacted value column.

What data do I get if I set the frequency filter to none

When using the frequency filter on none, the transactions report will break each row into a single transaction. In addition to the default fields outlined here, this allows you to report on transaction-specific information:

  • External reference: this value corresponds to the text set in the external reference section of the transaction that the row corresponds to.
  • Transaction owner: this is a field to support special pricing agreement functionality; please reach out to our support team here to learn more.
  • Type: this is a field to support special pricing agreement functionality; please reach out to our support team here to learn more.
  • Order reference: this value corresponds to the text set in the external reference column of the transaction that the row corresponds to.
  • Delivery reference: this value corresponds to the text set in the delivery reference column of the transaction that the row corresponds to.
  • Invoice reference: this value corresponds to the text set in the delivery reference column of the transaction that the row corresponds to.

How do you filter and configure a transaction report?

You can preview and download the transactions report so long as you have selected at least one trading partner (i.e. supplier, customer etc.). Transaction report filters allow you to add more context to the default report. The steps below are all optional; if you encounter any issues, please reach out to our support team here:

  1. Search transactions for a specific trading partner: This is the end trading partner on the transaction.
  2. Filter for a given currency (e.g., GBP).
  3. Filter by latest transaction date: Use a from and to date selection to return transactions for a given date range. The from and to date selection can also be used separately.
  4. Set the report to a given frequency: this changes the report totals to daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual, none, or full period. Please note none will show individual transactions uploaded, and the full period will show the system totals. You can learn more here.
  5. Add a dimension filter to exclude transactions from the total columns. You will need to do this for each of the dimensions you wish to filter on:
    a. Click on the dimension filter.
    b. Click add and select the dimension you wish to filter on.
    c. (Optional) Select the relevant collection via the drop-down; this will likely only be a single option for most channels.
    d. (Optional) Select a single or multiple dimension items (i.e., product, location, type) you wish to filter by clicking on the three lines next to the item heading. Click done.
    e. (Optional) you can also select single or multiple groupings using the attribute menu by clicking on the three lines next to the attribute heading. Click done.
    f. Click add to create the filtering rule.

tip: if you click on an item or attribute in steps d or e, the Done button will navigate you back from the picker.

  1. Add a view by to increase the granularity of your search by having additional columns for each of the view by settings selected. To add a view by:
    a. Select one or many dimension items and/or attributes (for example, specific products, product categories, or Branches).
    b. Multiple view by can be added to increase the granularity further.
  2. Set whether to consider manually imported transactions only?:  this setting allows you to distinguish transactions uploaded via the UI, learn more here, or via automated imports, learn more here.
  3. Set whether to consider unassigned transactions only: ticking this box will return transactions that have not been assigned to any trading agreement.
  4. Search for a specific external reference; the values are custom to your organization but accept free text input.
  5. Consider customer fed transactions only?: Only displays transactions that have been imported via collaborator users.
  6. Search for a specific order reference; the values are custom to your organization; to facilitate this, the filter accepts free text input.
  7. Search for a specific delivery reference; the values are custom to your organization; to facilitate this, the filter accepts free text input.
  8. Search for a specific invoice reference; the values are custom to your organization; to facilitate this, the filter accepts free text input.
  9. Search for the transaction owner: this is a field to support special pricing agreement functionality; please reach out to our support team here to learn more.
  10. Search Type: this is a field to support special pricing agreement functionality; please reach out to our support team here to learn more.

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