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Generate a debtors report

The debtors report allows you to browse and filter a list of trading programs in order to provide a summary of the due and overdue rebate, grouped into aged time periods per supplier and per trading program.

This functionality can be accessed by clicking on Finance at the top of your page and then on Debtors report from the drop-down menu.

On this page, a list will display a live view of any due or overdue rebate, where the aged debt for each payment line is based on:

  • The end date of the payment line.
  • The rebate payment terms of the trading program.
  • The debtor balance of the payment line.
  • The report start date selected in the search criteria.
  • The current date.

In the panel on the right-hand side of the page, you will be able to filter the search results using the following criteria:

  • Supplier · Choose one, or more, suppliers from the ‘My suppliers’ list (including suppliers for which you are the lead cash collector) or ‘All suppliers’ list (including all suppliers for which you have read access).
  • Trading program types · Choose from a list of configured trading program types.
  • Trading program start date, ‘From’ and ‘To’ · Enter a ‘From’ date to filter by trading program start date. Enter a ‘To’ date to filter by the trading program end date.
  • Lead cash collector · Choose collectors from a list of lead cash collectors.
  • Aged debt periods · Choose aged debt periods from a list.
  • Report start date · Enter a date to prevent any payment lines with an end date before the report start date from contributing any value towards the debtor record for a supplier. Defaults to the first day of the current year.
  • Only show suppliers with unallocated receipts · A drop-down Yes / No selection to restrict search results to suppliers which have unallocated receipts. ‘No’ is the default.

When you have finished making your selection, click the Search button in the bottom right-hand corner of the panel.

The debtors report page and search bar

Once a search has been completed, the debtors report will be displayed, providing full visibility of any overdue rebate.

Please note — Your search criteria will be persisted for the duration of your session. Click the Reset button to clear the criteria.

The debtors report initially shows you a table of trading programs and their aged debt with the ability to drill down to view the debt by program line or payment line while filtering by the aged time period.

This ability to drill down to payment line level allows you to look up a specific payment frequency period for a program line and see how overdue the payment for that rebate is.

You will now have the option to either click on the Download button, which will generate a csv file of the on-screen search results, or select one of the trading program rows in the listing, which will display the program lines associated to the selected trading program (see screenshot below as an example).

Trading programs within a debtors report

When viewing the program lines for a trading program, you will have the following options:

  • Click the View trading program button, which navigates you to the selected trading program edit/view page.
  • Click the View trading program notes button, which will allow you to view the trading program notes for the selected trading program, or create trading program notes if you have edit access to the trading program.
  • Click on a program line row in the listing, which will display the payment lines associated with the selected program line (as shown below).
Program lines within a trading program within a debtors report.

Aged debt periods

The different aged debt periods are explained below:

  • Not yet due - Payment lines that have not ended;
  • <0 days - Payment lines where the end date has passed but due date has not yet been reached;
  • 0-30 days - Payment lines that are between 0 and 30 days due;
  • 31-60 days - Payment lines that are between 31 and 60 days due;
  • 61-90 days - Payment lines are between 61 and 90 days due;
  • 91+ days - Payment lines are more than 91 days due.

The total debt column is the sum of all the above age categories.

The total due column is dependent on the configuration of the instance. It is either the sum of
<0 days
0-30 days
31-60 days
61-90 days
91+ days,

OR the sum of

0-30 days
31-60 days
61-90 days
91+ days.

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