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Analyzing a trading program

After creating your trading programs and corresponding program lines for a given trading partner, it is possible to analyze a trading programs' earnings by week.

Simply click on Trading programs at the top of your page and then on Trading Partner (e.g. suppliers) in the drop-down menu. This will take you to a page containing a list of your trading partners.

Selecting a trading partner from this list will trigger a display panel to appear from the right of your screen. This panel contains a list of trading programs that have been created for your selected trading partner.

Select a trading program from this list and then click the View button. You will notice that there is an Analysis tab available to you near the top of the page.

Click on this tab and you will be taken to a new page where you will be able to analyze the trading program created for your chosen trading partner (see screenshot provided below).

Please note — This will be available to all users who have view and / or edit access to the program lines page for the selected trading partner.


This page shows a graph of the total earnings for the selected trading program by week, where you can choose up to two additional trading programs to compare with.

Clicking on the Analyze trading program button in the top right-hand corner of the page will take you to a pre-filtered version of the program line earnings report that applies to the trading program as a whole.

You will notice that there is a single panel for each of the trading program's program lines, showing a summary of that program line's settings, transactions and associated earnings.

The actual transactions will be the current transactions that have been imported into Enable that qualify for the chosen agreement, to date. The forecast transactions represent the value that the system has forecasted to be the total transactions by the end of the agreement.

The actual earnings take the actual transactions and apply them to the represented mechanism in the program line, to attain the current earnings. Forecast earnings calculates the earnings based on the forecast transactions, by applying the forecast transactions to the program line.

Remaining forecast is the difference between your forecast transaction value and your actual transactions. As an example, suppose your actual spend is £16,500 for the year to date and your forecast value is £19,800. Then your remaining forecast would be the £3,300. I.e. what remains of your forecast.

Risk margin is the percentage amount that your remaining forecast would have to decrease by to miss the band you are forecast to hit. This only applies if the mechanism is one for which risk margin is a valid result.

Reward margin is the percentage amount that your remaining forecast would have to increase to hit the next band. This only applies if the mechanism is one for which reward margin is a valid result.

The risk amount is related to the risk margin, and is essentially the amount of earnings that would be lost if the forecasted target band is missed. It is calculated as A - (B x C) where:

  • A represents forecast earnings
  • B represents the value of the target band that the forecast transactions currently sits in
  • C represents the rate that has been configured for the band immediately below the current forecasted target band

The reward amount is related to the reward margin, and is the amount of earnings that would be gained if the band above the forecasted target band is reached. This is calculated as (A x B) - C where:

  • A represents the value of the target band immediately above the forecasted target band
  • B represents the rate that has been configured for the band immediately above the forecasted target band
  • C represents the forecast earnings

For more deeper explanation regarding risk and reward please see our article regarding Risk and Reward.

Furthermore, if you click the Analyze button to the right of the panel, you will be able to view a pre-filtered version of the program line earnings report that applies to that specific program line.

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