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A breakdown of users and activity

Channel admin users can manage the user accounts of other team members in Enable within the Users area.

This article will guide you through:

  1. How to navigate to user configuration
  2. User configuration tabs
  3. Users tab

Looking for something else?

Users are located within the Config area of the Trading programs app.

Channel admin users will have access to the Config area and user management within Enable. If you require additional help, please reach out to our support team here.

To navigate to user access settings:

Step 1: Click on Config in the green banner at the top of the page.

Step 2: Click on Users in the drop-down menu. You will automatically be navigated to Users within the Config area.

Users within the Config area

User configuration tabs

The Users area is broken up into the following tabs, displayed near the top left of the page:

  • Users: Displays a list of users who have access to your Enable channel. Channel admin users can create a new user, manage additional user settings, and delete users. Channel admin users can also use this tab to set and edit user access permissions.
  • Activity: Allows channel admin users to monitor user activity in your channel by searching for activity using several filters. Channel admin users can preview the result of their search through the Activity log, or to download all activity records that match their criteria as a CSV file.
  • Collaborators: Only displayed if Collaborator is enabled in your channel. Allows channel admin users to generate a report of all collaborators alongside their invite status and permissions, as well as the ability to bulk import collaborator users.

Users tab

When on the Users tab, clicking on a user in the listing will show a panel on the right-hand side of the page. This is where identifying or contact information can be seen and edited. This panel also lets an channel admin user decide some high-level access settings to grant to a user.

A channel admin user can set another user as channel admin, grant access to permitted program line types, or set an opt out of workflow emails.

Depending on your channel configuration, it may be also possible to set permitted client divisions and filter IP addresses for a user here.

What’s next?

Getting started by inviting your team to Enable? Learn how to create new users here.

Looking to make changes to an existing user? Learn how to manage additional user settings here, or learn how to edit user access permissions here.

Ready to explore user activity logs? Learn how to monitor user activity here.

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